
8 October 2020

Following the Covid statement by the First Minister yesterday we have finally been given the details of just how this will affect curling here at Hamilton.

The rules are that, between 00.01 on the morning of Saturday 10th and Midnight on Sunday 25th October the only curling that can take place is between under 18s. Curling under the Rule of 6 is also allowed but is clearly not an option.

PLEASE NOTE  that all curling including 4 TB Dick first round matches scheduled for tomorrow (Friday) evening will take place.

The Young Curlers Club session this Saturday morning will also take place for under 18s only.  Curling will not then recommence until 10.00am on Monday 26th October.


Janette has asked if, in the first instance,  clubs could email their requirements for replacement ice to her early next week.